The importance of Teeth Cleaning

We all know how important it is to look after our own teeth but we often fail to care for our dogs teeth.

By the age of 3 80% of dogs are showing signs of periodontal disease which not only causes bad breath and tooth decay but also can be a factor in heart disease.

How many of us take our dogs for an annual dental check  I am guilty of not doing this,until my dogs breath became smelly,by this time he had tooth decay.I felt so upset that I had failed my beautiful boy. I have been the best dog mum that I could be,spoiling him with toys,treats long walks, daytrips, holidays etc.

The cost of veterinary dental care plays a big part. It costs  hundreds £££ .

I want to help my customers not to make the same mistakes that I have made.


At an early age, get you dog used to having his mouth handled and letting you put your fingers in his mouth

Buy a good quality toothpaste specifically for dogs. Get your dog used to the taste first by letting him lick it off your finger.  Then progress to rubbing it on his teeth,eventually using a toothbrush designed for dogs. There are various kinds from brushes that look similar to humans to one’s that you put over your finger.

There are powders which you add to food ( I used one of these but didn’t find any effect)

Dental toys are a very good way of preventing plaque build up.

There are many  tooth sprays and water additives  which are good to use alongside brushing

HIGH QUALITY FOOD will also help  with oral care.

Dental treats but make sure they are good for your dog some are  very high fat and chemicals.

Don’t forget to modify his feed when giving treats to avoid weight gain.

RAWHIDE is very harmful  to dogs, they are chemically processed  to harden them and bleached!


  • Yaks milk chews
  • Bulls pizzle
  • Antlers
are safer alternatives.

Never give your dog  cooked bones as they can get trapped in the dogs digestive tract.

 Lastly…Regular dental checks with your vet.

With love from

aunty Wag

Wagtastic Dog Grooming