What is Desensitisation?

Desensitisation is the exposure to a stimuli without causing stress.

We have to think about how we can introduce a thing without exciting fear and/or flooding. Flooding can work but at huge cost so best avoided.
Flooding is where you expose the dog to its fear,so basically forcing the dog to face the fear.
The way to do this is to gradually increase exposure/experience over time and withdrawing at the first sign of any discomfort.
A common one is fireworks. How do we desensitise a dog to them.
Well what I advise is getting a firework recording and play it on silent (to us) several times a day. I usually suggest while we prepare a meal because many dogs are drawn to us by the activity. But essentially have it on silent while we are busy doing something, in a space the dig uses but can easily withdraw from.
Once the dog is nonplussed and enters the area willingly etc we can turn the volume up one notch. Again once I phased up one notch. Until eventually we should be able to play it at full volume without reaction. If we turn it up and the dig refuses to enter it leaves go back two notches for a few more days.
It might take 2 months of daily playing. But in theory desensitised them to at least the noise (we can’t do the energetic vibrations though).
Applying this principle to the various sounds and sensations relies heavily on observing and honouring the dog’s reactions. Backing off and taking two or 3 steps back if required.  Harder to achieve because the tools are general more in your face than a sound is. And we need to be more mindful of much more subtle signals of stress. But the principle is the same.
This desensitising  and consent based technique can be applied in the grooming salon.
Fear of nail clipping.
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